Premium Radar level transmitter manufacturer

Radar level transmitter provider 2024: The third case is that, during the commissioning stage of a platform construction, when the liquid level is higher than 3800mm, the radar level meter of the dirty oil tank will frequently jump to 0mm, which leads to the shutdown of the fourth-stage production unit. After on-site inspection, the power supply voltage of the radar level meter transmitter is only 9.5V, which is lower than the working power supply voltage of the radar level meter. By further searching for the cause of the failure, found that when the high liquid level, the voltage at the power supply is 23.7V, the safety gate output drops to 9.7V, judged as a safety gate transmitter failure. After replacing the safety grid, the voltage returns to normal, the cabin radar level meter in the test to rule out the problem. Read even more information on radar level transmitter manufacturer.

Advanced Radar Level Measurement: The constant progress of innovation continues to push the limits of radar level measurement, propelling this technology into areas of capability and pertinence. As industries undergo transformations and integrate the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) into their operational processes radar devices have evolved to meet these changing demands. Integration with IIoT- Leading the Way to Industry 4.0 One of the transformative developments in radar level measurement is the seamless integration of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) capabilities into radar devices. These radar sensors equipped with IIoT features have become important components in Industry 4.0 initiatives ushering in an era where data driven excellence prevails in operations.

Rod antenna: generally used in strong corrosive environments, with weak anti-interference ability and small range; Flare antenna: stronger anti-interference ability, suitable for more complex environments. The larger the bell mouth, the more concentrated the energy, and the larger the measuring range; Parabolic antenna: the focusing effect is stronger than that of the bell mouth, the anti-interference ability is the strongest, and the range is the largest.

Measuring principle of radar water level meter: The radar level gauge adopts the working mode of transmitting-reflecting-receiving. The electromagnetic wave emitted by the antenna is reflected by the surface of the measured object and then received by the antenna. After measuring the distance from the water surface to the radar antenna, the elevation of the water surface can be calculated according to the elevation of the radar antenna. The radar water level meter adopts pulse wave technology with low power consumption. It can be powered by two-wire 24 VDC, 485 interface output, or can be directly powered by 12 VDC, SDI-12 interface output, with high accuracy and wider application range.

Level Measurement Solutions for Deaerators: With proper level control and instrumentation, every part of the steam generation cycle can be managed for optimal efficiency. Deaerator Functions: The deaerator serves as an “open” type heat exchanger with its primary function being the removal of oxygen and other corrosive gases from the boiler feedwater. This is accomplished using steam, which can give up about 970 Btu per pound, to support the deaeration process as well as preheat boiler feedwater.

In addition, some silos in cement plants are very high, such as homogenizing silos of 50cm. It takes time and energy to board high silos to debug radar, so it is recommended to choose HART handheld operators that can be debugged remotely in the central control room. In the central control room, the range and other basic parameters can be set, and the radar echo waveform can be observed, and the waveform can be used for remote diagnosis and debugging, greatly reducing the on-site work intensity of the staff, to avoid the risk of climbing operation. The smart radar level gauge commonly used at present also has a function similar to “driving recorder”, that is, when the material surface mutation occurs on the scene, it can capture the radar echo waveform at that time, which is very useful for debugging the silo under complex conditions.

With emphasis placed on customer satisfaction, innovation, product development and overall business transformation, the company continued to innovate and expand with each passing year. KAIDI has successfully achieved global recognition, obtaining the leading position as Asia’s top process automation sensor manufacturer. In the past 5 years, the company has undergone tremendous growth and development – flourishing internationally and providing customers worldwide with the best customized solutions for process automation. Find extra details at Suitable for chemical industry, petroleum industry, metallurgical industry, water conservancy and electronic industry, etc.

In the measurement circuit of the radar level gauge, when there is additional DC current and voltage, it is DC interference. In severe cases, the measuring instrument will not work properly. The sources of DC interference are as follows: AC interference can be divided into line-to-line interference and ground interference. Inter-line interference refers to the AC voltage between the output ends of the radar level gauge (compensation line) under external influence. This interference is also known as lateral, common mode or common mode interference. Generally speaking, the line-to-line interference voltage can reach several millivolts or even tens of millivolts.

For the ultrasonic instrument that continuously measures the liquid level, when the temperature of the liquid to be measured changes greatly, the change of the propagation speed of the sound wave should be compensated. The connecting cable between the detector and the converter should take anti-electromagnetic interference measures. The structure of the ultrasonic level sensor should be determined according to the process requirements and on-site working conditions.

Working principle: Tube in the liquid level meter has a magnetic float, float design, according to the proportion of medium float magnet steel and container liquid level at the same level, wholesale liquid level gauge in a semiconductor magnetel liquid level gauge sensor LED display scale, and orderly arranged from top to bottom, and LED module corresponding to the magnetic field magnetic sensor, the magnetic semiconductor, triggering the corresponding digital circuit, liquid level above the red LED display, The LED below the liquid level gauge is displayed in green, the red in gas phase, and the green in liquid phase. The red-green junction is the actual liquid level in the container.