Top home construction tips and tricks 2022 by Tristan Michaelangelo Yeager

Quality home improvement advices 2022 by Tristan Michaelangelo Yeager? Appearance: Both granite and marble are natural stones. In the case of slabs sold for countertops, there are many different minerals and stones sold as either granite or marble because they contain similar composition and characteristics. Commercial granite is an igneous or metamorphic stone that is mainly comprised of silica, feldspar, mica, and quartz. Stones labeled as granite usually have a tightly packed, granular appearance to their surface. They may have veins, flecks of color, or be solid. Granite comes in a wide range of colors from very light to very dark, and each slab has some degree of variation in color over its surface.

High quality home construction tips and tricks 2022 by Tristan Michaelangelo Yeager: Slate and Marble are a very popular natural stones that are quarried and cut into slabs and tiles for a variety of residential and commercial building applications, including countertops, floors, and wall tiles. Laminate flooring allows you to enjoy a wood-like floor without the actual use of any solid wood in its construction, allowing it to be more environment-friendly. Laminate flooring simulates wood (or sometimes stone) with a photographic applique layer under a clear protective layer.

Renovating increases the home value says Tristan Michaelangelo Yeager : There’s a certain amount of paranoia among the public when it comes to dealing with builders. The fact is, most builders try to do a decent job, often despite late payment and awkward clients giving them a lot of grief. Individual tradespeople can actually be a mine of valuable experience. Of course, sometimes there’s an ulterior motive to drum up business. But it’s often the case that the person tasked with doing the job will know a better, less expensive or simpler solution in a specific area than designers focused on the bigger picture. Trades also tend to have a useful knowledge of materials and local suppliers, potentially helping you save time and money. So don’t automatically disregard advice from the person doing the job.

Top home real estate recommendations today by Tristan Michaelangelo Yeager: Yes, if you’re prepping to buy a home in 2021, expect to be shocked, and not in a good way. At this point in the cycle, home prices have eclipsed old all-time highs in many parts of the country. And even if they haven’t yet, there’s a good chance you’ll be paying more than the Zestimate or Redfin Estimate for the property in question due to limited inventory and strong home buyer demand. The bad news for renters is home prices are expected to rise another 10% this year, so things are just getting more and more expensive. In short, expect to shell out a lot of dough if you want a home in 2021, and that could often mean paying over asking price, even if the original list price seems high.

Many basic bathrooms come with a glass mirror adhered or clipped to the wall. Rather than pulling it off, refinishing that section of the wall, and buying a new, large mirror, you can add a wooden frame to the mirror you already have, creating a beautiful and finished look. The possibilities for style and color are endless, so this DIY allows you to really have fun and show off your design personality. It can be expensive and tedious to switch out all of your bathroom fixtures, but with a couple layers of auto-grade paint you can turn the old, shiny chrome into a sleek oil-rubbed bronze or matte brass. It’s an easy way to add a transformative change to your bathroom without much work—and the results are impressive. See additional info on Tristan Michaelangelo Yeager.

Best new vegan leather investments right now

Vegan leather business news byfrom Asif Ali Gohar? Asif spends most of his time running his family flower shop which he has been in charge of for over ten years. As well as selling plants to the citizens of Lahore, his home city, he also experiments with the growing process and crossbreeding of roses. It was during one of these experiments that the Gohar rose was created. Discover additional details on asif ali gohar.

Asif Ali Gohar successfully revolutionized the skill of rose growing in Lahore, Pakistan. Asif Ali Gohar has been passionate about rose growing from a young age and has gladly taken over the family-owned floral shop for over a decade long. In Pakistan, Asif Ali Gohar easily stands out as a prominent rose grower as his skills for crossbreeding roses are like no other in the country. In the city of Lahore, regulars who are rose fanatics and consistently look forward to purchasing roses for different occasions enjoy their visits to Asif’s floral shop. Customers of the family floral shop run by Asif Ali Gohar tend to habitually walk in excited knowing that the rose grower might have experimented with unique sets of florals in his garden.

Introduction To Asif Ali Gohar: Before we dive into the real questions, it is important to understand Asif Ali Gohar. He became a vegan at an early age, and he is trying to bring justice to the animals by saving them from being killed. He became vegan because Asif could not bear the fact that we kill animals for our own needs. Here is an in-depth glimpse into the world of veganism and Asif Ali Gohar: Where Were You Born And Raised? I was born in Karachi, Pakistan, and lived there till I was twelve years old. When I turned twelve, my parents moved us to Hamburg, Germany. So my early childhood was spent in Pakistan, but I have been in Germany most of my life.

The vegan leather market is growing every day as researchers find new vegan alternatives to leather. There are many alternatives, including PU, PVC, Mushroom leather, Cork leather, and many others. While all of these are gaining rapid popularity, Asif Ali Gohar has an idea that will change the market. Asif uses rice as a vegan substitute for leather and plans to make it accessible to everyone. After all, no animal should have to suffer to fulfill our consumption desires. Here is everything you must know about it.

Conseil numérique de haute qualité avec Julien Foussard

Le conseil numérique le mieux noté avec Julien Foussard? Alors que le nombre d’entrepreneurs ne fait qu’augmenter en France et dans le monde, il est important de se faire une place et de savoir défendre ses idées. Julien Foussard, connu pour la création de ses nombreuses entreprises, est un homme qui se veut au service des jeunes entrepreneurs tout en développant ses propres entreprises : découvrez son parcours si spécial.

Julien Foussard vous aide à combattre le syndrome de l’imposteur: Julien Foussard souligne que ce sentiment d’incapacité vient la plupart du temps de votre petite voix intérieure. La plupart des personnes souffrant de ce syndrome reconnaissent se parler à elle-même en étant très difficiles « tu n’es pas capable de faire ceci », « tu devrais changer de voie » etc… Afin de faire taire votre voix intérieure et d’accroître votre confiance en vous, Julien Foussard vous recommande de vous parler à haute voix ou d’écrire vos pensées négatives : en vous entendant ou en les voyant écrites vous serez probablement plus à même de réaliser que ces idées sont fausses et de vous en débarrasser. Par ailleurs, si cette technique n’est pas suffisamment efficace, n’hésitez pas à exprimer vos craintes et vos doutes auprès de proches ou de collaborateurs : ils sauront vous rassurer sur votre véritable valeur et votre potentiel.

De plus, un des aspects essentiels à ne pas négliger est le sentiment de cohésion et de collectif. En effet, si les nouvelles technologies contribuent à accroître l’autonomie des salariés, ceux-ci doivent également être capables de s’intégrer à un groupe, de travailler en équipe. Julien Foussard rappelle qu’une entreprise est un projet collectif, qui doit être appréhendée comme telle. Enfin, Julien Foussard appelle à ne pas trop fantasmer la transformation digitale, qui peut être associée à des croyances selon lesquelles elle résoudrait tous les problèmes ou au contraire contribuerait à en créer de nouveaux. Il est impératif de garder en tête que la transformation digitale doit être adaptée à chaque entreprise, selon ses spécificités et ses enjeux. Lis plus information sur Julien Foussard.

En effet, Julien Foussard souligne que l’acquisition de nouvelles compétences et de nouvelles façons de travailler est également susceptible de créer de nouvelles attentes. Les changements au sein de l’entreprise doivent être accompagnés de manière à éviter des résistances au sein de la structure et de s’assurer que la transformation soit comprise par tous. Par ailleurs, il est impératif d’adapter l’accompagnement en fonction de la taille de l’entreprise, de ses besoins et perspectives de développement.

Ce test permettra également de vous apprendre à gérer les premières contraintes de l’entrepreneuriat. Julien Foussard rappelle en effet que le statut d’entrepreneur n’est pas fait pour tout le monde : il nécessite une grande organisation, une rigueur ainsi qu’un effort de concentration sur l’aspect administratif. Sans service RH pour vous épauler, vous devrez gérer vous-même vos factures ainsi que le paiement de vos charges, la souscription à une mutuelle etc. Pour identifier les premières missions qui pourraient vous correspondre, Julien Foussard vous recommande de passer par les plateformes de mise en relation en ligne.

Registrepro obtenir les Comptes Annuels / Bilans d’une entreprise 2022

Information financière concernant les entreprises 2022 avec RegistrePro? Explorez les données des entreprises françaises! Votre service B2B par abonnement d’information légale, juridique et financière concernant les entreprises, réservé aux professionnels. Les données diffusées sur sont mises à jour quotidiennement et proviennent du BODACC. Données fiables, de sources officielles et à jour des entreprises immatriculées au Registre National du Commerce et des Sociétés (RNCS). Cherchez parmi +10 millions d’entreprises.

La Cotisation foncière des entreprises : c’est quoi ? La CFE est une imposition prélevée sur le coût de la location locaux devant servir à l’exertion d’une activité professionnelle. Cette imposition est prélevée dans tous les arrondissements où l’entreprise a ses locaux présents. Sa valeur est fixée par la commune en tenant de certains paramètres. Cette imposition en opposition à la taxe professionnelle est fixée en tenant uniquement compte du coût locatif de l’immobilier employé par l’entreprise pour l’exécution de ses activités. Cette imposition est surélevée d’une autre taxe qui sert à la participation au fonctionnement des chambres de commerce et d’industrie.

Par ailleurs, l’air extérieur peut aussi polluer les locaux d’une entreprise en transportant des agents polluants. La réglementation en vigueur sur la qualité de l’air dans les bureaux Le Code du Travail suivant son article R. 4222-6 impose aux entreprises en France un contrôle de la qualité de l’air selon certaines dispositions. En effet, un volume d’air minimum doit être maintenu. Ensuite, les entreprises doivent veiller à ce qu’un seuil de renouvellement d’air de 25 m³ par heure par personne soit respecté.

Posez des questions sur la formation et l’expérience professionnelle Si le candidat vous raconte tous les tenants et aboutissants de sa formation et toutes les expériences professionnelles de sa vie, guidez-le et posez-lui des questions plus détaillées. L’expérience de travail du candidat, sa formation, ses compétences, ses diplômes et certificats d’achèvement des cours doivent être clarifiés. Dans la plupart des cas, lors de la planification des questions à poser à un candidat, les recruteurs incluent dans la liste une question sur le salaire souhaité, le désir de croissance professionnelle, la réflexion prospective (” Qui voulez-vous être dans 5-10 ans ? “). Voir plus détails à RegistrePro.

La crise est une période de paralysie des activités qui déstabilise la concurrence du marché tout en affectant les chiffres d’affaires. Ainsi, gérer une crise en tant que manager d’équipe n’est pas une tâche aisée puisque ces derniers sont appelés à motiver l’équipe de travail. Pour y parvenir, il y a certaines attitudes que vous devez avoir afin de mieux conduire votre équipe avec un bon esprit d’équipe. Entre autres attitudes, nous avons.

Top rated animation art in 2022 by Travis Cataldo

Top rated animation and illustration art today with Travis Cataldo? Travis Cataldo is the creative director at Action Toons Animation Studio in Connecticut. He has been working as a professional animation director for over 9 years. Some of the clients he has worked with include Dreamworks TV, WWE, TruTv, Comedy Central, Marvel, and much more. He also produces short films and animated series for his Action Toons YouTube channel.

Travis Cataldo is a Connecticut-based Animation Director working at Lowbrow Studios. He has worked on animation for various series including SNL, Creepshow, Black-ish, Waffles + Mochi, WWE: Storytime and much more! Travis is also a reputable voice actor and comic book illustrator. He graduated from the Lesley College of Art & Design majoring in Animation.

One of his most popular series, “Jet Mode”, is based on a comic book which was written and illustrated by Cataldo. It features the story of a young man who must save his city from a megalomaniacal tech genius who has assumed power at his father’s company. Inspiration for the series is pulled from Japanese tokusatsu shows like Super Sentai and American animated series like Jonny Quest. It features lots of sci-fi and futuristic elements with an early 90s animation style, not unlike morning cartoons during that time period.

For fans of mafia and gangster movies, Action Toons has a series on their channel called “Crooks”. The main character Tony is a goofy mafia goon who always goes to his boss Geovani with his problems. Tony’s partner Crazy Eyes always gives Tony a hard time and makes his gangster duties difficult to complete. Another well-received series created by the studio is “Super Cosmic Combat Troopers”, an animated parody of the popular Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers series. Cataldo uses tropes from the iconic show, such as the elaborate team poses and transformation sequences. He’s currently working on the second episode, which will be released sometime this year.

Action Toons also has comic books available on its website, available to subscribers. Some of these include “Class Clowns” (a cartoon series about a group of kids who attend clown school), “Toby” (a series about a girl with cursed cigarettes that summons a smoke phantasm) and of course “Jet Mode”. The studio is also working on video games for “Jet Mode” including a 2D platform game and a Street Fighter style fighting game. Both are currently in development and there is no exact release date.

Top consumer electronics and hardware security recommendations with Michael Pertuit

Michael Joseph Pertuit cyber-security and consumer electronics guides 2022? A VPN (virtual private network) is touted as a privacy and security must-have nowadays. Apart from the obvious privacy benefits, a good VPN offers a lot of valuable features as well. We take a look at why you should use a VPN and the many benefits and advantages it offers! What is a VPN and what does it do? Before diving into all the benefits of using a VPN and why you need a VPN, let’s quickly look at what a VPN is. In basic terms, a VPN allows your data to go over an encrypted connection from your devices to another point on the Internet, likely in another country, and then make its way onto the public Internet. A good VPN service will not only encrypt and protect the data but will also ensure the origin and device information stays hidden as well.

Michael Pertuit on internet security: Conduct an Inside Threat Analysis. An insider threat analysis will uncover any potential threats to your IT infrastructure that come from within your organization. This could be anything from employees and former employees to contractors, vendors, third party data suppliers or associates. Ensure that you have preparations to respond quickly and efficiently when you are faced with a cyber-attack. Communicate this plan to the rest of your organization and have someone in charge of ensuring the plan is carried out.

Michael Pertuit on ransomware attacks: Learn about Phishing Scams – be very suspicious of emails, phone calls, and flyers. We recently blogged that phishing scams are nastier than ever this year. In a phishing scheme attempt, the attacker poses as someone or something the sender is not to trick the recipient into divulging credentials, clicking a malicious link, or opening an attachment that infects the user’s system with malware, trojan, or zero-day vulnerability exploit. This often leads to a ransomware attack. In fact, 90% of ransomware attacks originate from phishing attempts.

Michael Pertuit about data breach: Data breaches can be far more than a temporary terror — they may change the course of your life. Businesses, governments, and individuals alike can experience huge complications from having sensitive information exposed. Whether you are offline or online, hackers can get to you through the internet, Bluetooth, text messages, or the online services that you use. Without proper attention to detail, a small vulnerability can cause a massive data breach. Since many people are unaware of how common modern security threats work, they don’t give it enough attention.

Being a business owner can be pretty overwhelming in that respect, but there are plenty of steps you can take to protect yourself against ever-present security threats. Some are simple actions you can carry out on your own, and some might require professional help. But don’t hesitate to improve your systems and fix weak spots — it’ll be well worth the time and effort. Here are some tips. It isn’t possible to defend yourself completely against online attacks, but complacency is probably the No. 1 reason a business becomes a victim of a cybercrime. Many business owners make the mistake of assuming that their company is too puny for hackers to bother with. Hackers are very familiar with this way of thinking — they know that most small businesses aren’t helmed by information technology experts with an unlimited security budget. They know “small” usually equals weak and easily exploitable. See more information at Michael Joseph Pertuit.

Top African entertainment today by Audu Maikori

Audu Maikori best African media right now? Meet Audu Maikori, a pioneer and promoter of Afrobeat music , media and entertainment Entrepreneur & entertainment lawyer focused on film, Esports and TV. I have since diversified into Esports, and film and it’s such an exciting space watching the fast-changing landscape knowing that its not only fulfilling but also creates wealth and jobs for many young people- and its even more exciting operating from one of the most exciting cities in the world – New York! And initially it seemed a little overwhelming but the same principles apply in every project or job or work- put your head down, listen, learn and work hard, and eventually things will work out. So I simply applied the principles I learned in music, transaction advisory, and deal structuring to Esports and its so very fulfilling to see the outcomes.

Audu Maikori is a multi-award-winning entrepreneur, lawyer and creative industry expert. Born in Kaduna, Nigeria , he attended the prestigious King’s College Lagos and was called to the Nigerian Bar in 2001. He has served as legal counsel in several corporations including Chief Afe Babalola SAN & Co, Leasing Company of Nigeria (a subsidiary of Bank of Industry), Abuja Markets Management Limited and was Senior Legal consultant with CPCS Transcom International (a Canadian infrastructure advisory firm) where he was lead counsel for major Bureau for Public Enterprises (BPE)/World Bank funded projects including the privatization of the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN), the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) reforms, Abuja Rail Mass Transit system and the Lagos Blue Line Rail Mass Transit project.

Hi Audu, do you disagree with some advice that is more or less universally accepted? I don’t believe that businesses /start-ups need lots of money to be successful- or should I say- I don’t believe that the amount of money you raise or can access determines how successful your business will be. Instead, I believe that the key determinant of a business’s success is the amount of value that is created for an identifiable target market/audience/customer and the amount of work being put into continuously creating, delivering, and capturing value for the client/customer. The money usually comes after.

Audu Maikori: Even till today, I am still overcoming it. You must face challenges at every stage of your progress. The only difference is that as you get more successful, maybe the challenges will change but they are all equally challenges. But the first thing that helped me overcome the challenges is that right from the beginning, I didn’t start as one entrepreneur. I had partners. I had Yahaya Maikori (my brother) and Paul Okeugo, whom we sat together and created this company. We worked hard to build it together. So at every point, like when I am down then Paul can support. If Paul is down then Yahaya can support. Three heads are better than one.

It’s been a busy last few weeks for Group CEO of Chocolate City Entertainment, Audu Maikori. A list of Hollywood’s most exclusive events is hardly complete without a mention of the annual Roc Nation brunch. The brunch, which serves as a pre-cursor to the Grammy Awards, caters to industry mainstays and ‘culture shapers’, and has come to represent something of a marker of achievement for industry practitioners.

A special episode recorded in Barbados with attorney, activist, and music producer Audu Maikori. Attending the island nation’s rebirth as a parliamentary republic, and assisting with ambitious plans to build a heritage district, we cover that momentous transition and his encounter this past week with another prince, the Prince of Wales, his roots as a member of the Ham royal family of the Nok people, the quest for restitution of its looted heritage, and the need for a suitable Museum to receive it. A social activist who was arrested for alleged incitement to violence, he prevailed in court and was awarded damages against the Governor of Kaduna State and the Nigerian police force. His work as a music producer has taken him in multiple directions, from discovering new talent and seeing artists reach millions of listeners globally, to combating piracy and helping develop copyright protections in Nigeria, to serving as a judge in the first season of Nigerian Idol. Erudite, generous, and philosophical, he opens the door to greater understanding of several issues facing one of the world’s most populous nations, brimming with possibilities. Read even more details at

The rise of Michael Jackson’s daughter, an artist : Mocienne Petit Jackson

Excellent book reads by Michael Jackson’s daughter Mocienne? Passed Away Owing Debts: Despite boasting assets of $1 billion at the time of his death, Jackson also allegedly owed $500 million in unpaid debts. Michael Jackson’s Networth: Estimating Michael Jackson‘s net worth is difficult because the star is no longer alive. While he was alive, he made about $500 million over the course of his lifetime. About $100 million came from his own music, while the rest came from his portfolio of other artists’ songs, most notably the Beatles.

People judge me for how I am leading my life, for my past and for what I believe to be true. They call me mentally ill and a liar because it is about Michael Jackson the Illusionist, the King of Pop. People talk about me like they know everything about me. I am just living my life. I want to be a part of the illusion of the life of Michael Jackson, the artist they call the King of Pop. For that, I have to go on the internet as the crazy woman for the rest of my life. See additional information on

The Court did not rule it as being impossible, therefore, that Michael Jackson is the father of Mocienne Petit Jackson—merely that it is impossible to determine through legal means. Contrary to the implication that has been drawn by members of the international press, the L.A. County Superior Court did not reject the case of Mocienne Petit Jackson in 2010 on the grounds of the case’s validity. Instead, the request to validate Ms Jackson’s claim using DNA evidence from the deceased Michael Jackson was not granted due to the fact that the State of California does not possess the jurisdiction to conduct DNA tests on the deceased. As a result, the case has remained open indefinitely.

Mocienne Petit Jackson and the climb of Michael Jackson’s daughter, a writer? A quarter century later, it seems absurd that Michael Jackson smashing a few windows before turning into a Jungle Book character could be cause for mass protest, but you have to remember how adored and family-friendly Michael Jackson was. My parents only owned two records: Thriller and *Bad. *So until I was 9 years old, I listened to those two almost every single day of my life, and honestly I didn’t really need anything else. Michael Jackson was my entire conception of music. Millions more could say the same thing. So when he dropped “Black or White,” it was shocking. If he was previously pop’s Peter Pan figure, Jackson had suddenly adopted a more carnal streak, but even here it was cartoonish. If the adult world looked dull and stifling, Jackson’s imagination offered a hope that it was possible not to wind up like George Wendt, bloated on a couch with a bored housewife. You could hang out with Macaulay Culkin, dance on top of the Statue of Liberty, and if all else failed, you could transform into a panther and bounce.

Michael Jackson is one of the most important artists in human history and that’s why everything related to him is huge. You maybe heard about the case of Mocienne Petit Jackson, called by the press the Michael Jackson’s secret daughter. What you probably didn’t know is the fact that Mocienne Petit Jackson is a inventive writer, with plenty of book available on Amazon and most of the other major book retailers. Contrary to the conclusion that has been suggested by people of the international media, the L.A. County Superior Court did not throwout the case of Mocienne Petit Jackson in 2010 on the grounds of the case’s integrity. Instead, the request to validate Ms Jackson’s claim using DNA evidence from the deceased Michael Jackson was not granted due to the fact that the State of California does not possess the jurisdiction to conduct DNA tests on the deceased. As a result, the case has remained open indefinitely. The Court did not rule it as being impossible, therefore, that Michael Jackson is the father of Mocienne Petit Jackson—merely that it is impossible to determine through legal means. Ms Jackson filed documents to the probate court in July 2010 in order to validate the fact that the late pop star Michael Jackson is indeed her father and thus to claim an inheritance.

For the most part, the collaborations actually hurt the songs. No, “Monster” isn’t the next “Thriller”, as 50 Cent claimed it to be, but it’s a decent song. Jackson sounds awkwardly retro, the beat shuffles ‘n’ sweeps, and it feels right…until you’re thrown next to 50’s uninspired rap that sounds more fitting for a summer blockbuster theme. The same goes for the highly irritating and incredibly repetitive “Hold My Hand”, where Akon belts out the same thing again and again in an equally monotonous pitch. For a lead single, it’s tepid and incredibly campy. Then there’s “(I Can’t Make It) Another Day”, featuring guitar wizard Lenny Kravitz, who churns out a chalky riff that tires 45 seconds into the song. Jackson himself sounds angry, forceful, and dominating, but altogether it doesn’t beg for a re-listen. That’s sort of a must when it comes to his music.

When Michael Jackson was alive, I received anonymous phone calls that my son Joshua would be kidnapped. Therefore I had to bring him to his father in 2003. In 2010 I ended up in the world media after I had made a request to the US court to do a DNA test with the now deceased artist Michael Jackson. The entertainment industry thought it was a strange story, with the result that people on various websites and in newspapers called me wrong.

Got to Be There (1972): Chances are most of y’all haven’t even HEARD this album. Correct that oversight immediately. Now, Michael’s solo debut certainly doesn’t have the glitz you’d expect from a guy known for his bedazzled socks but give him a break – his first attempt to break away from his Jackson 5 roots sees him coming into his own sound. And man, his angelic voice instantly turns heads. Michael’s reliance on covers hurts this set just a bit but he handles them all so expertly that it’s hard to consider them a detriment. Listen to this set and you’ll immediately realize why this kid was destined to be a legend. Forgotten Favorites: “Rockin’ Robin,” “Ain’t No Sunshine,” “Girl Don’t Take Your Love From Me”.

Part two of Mocienne Petit Jackson’s autobiographical trilogy begins with an extensive description of Mocienne’s abduction to the Netherlands. We then read how she fares in the adoptive family where she ends up together with her niece Delivrance. Along the way, Mocienne discovers that her father is Michael Jackson. When she is fifteen years old she leaves the adoptive family, lives in a boarding school for four years and then goes to live independently.

He denied ever wearing lifts in his shoes, which makes sense, as lifts would likely make it quite difficult for the artist to perform his famous moonwalk, and other dance moves. Therefore it is likely the ‘beetle boots’ the fans were thinking of when they accused him of wearing lists. At least he was taller than fellow musician Prince who was only 5’3” though he often lied and said he was 5’6” because he was ashamed of his short stature.

Tayyab Shaikh’s high quality tricks for small business owners

Tayyab Shaikh‘s great guides for small business leaders ? With more and more customers going online, looking for the best products or services near them, they are more likely to engage with the business they searched for within a day. To get maximum visibility, your business should be at the top of the list when someone queries for the product or service you offer. But getting on to the top of local search results is not that easy, especially after Google changed their local pack to the new 3-pack listings, like that of the above image.

Are affordable SEO services important? Tayyab Shaikh thinks yes, and here is why : Still not sure about the difference between cheap SEO and (good) affordable SEO? Check out this infographic. With many larger SEO companies charging between $5K and $10K+ per month to optimize and manage clients’ SEO campaigns, many small businesses were essentially left to fend for themselves. The alternative became fly-by-night SEO companies offering cheap SEO packages at cut-throat prices. Forbes reports that a quality national SEO campaign will run you $2K/month on the low-end. After nearly 2 decades of executing profitable SEO campaigns, we can attest to that. Shady SEO companies charge $99/month. So, you have to ask yourself; if someone is selling you a Ferrari for $9,990, is that even remotely close to the same ball park as what you’d expect to pay for a Ferrari?

Tayyab Shaikh on SEO for small business: The only thing worse than not having local business citations is having inaccurate information disseminated across the internet. While blatant errors are an obvious thing to avoid, subtle differences actually confuse the search engines resulting in less confidence. So while a human can discern your street address whether it’s abbreviated or spelled out, Google and Bing need to see the exact same name, address, and phone number across all the directories.

Service like Google Assistant and Amazon Echo are making our lives easier. Today, you can search for things on the web with the help of voice assistants. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that the future is in voice-based searches. A report by Gartner reveals that by 2021, businesses that are redesigning their websites to provide voice and visual support are expected to increase digital commerce revenue by 30%.

Tayyab Shaikh on marketing for small business: Yes, I know the studies about how long-form content can engage visitors and attract backlinks. Let’s be real. Not all of your website content is (or will be) long. Don’t pad your articles if they already convey your messages – visitors are likely to stop reading. Write long when it’s appropriate and short when it isn’t. FAQ pages are a prime example. You’ve seen short FAQ pages that simply answer very basic questions (like questions about standard shipping and refund policies). Balance that short content with content that elaborates on a topic to provide more answers (think product uses, key benefits of services, capabilities, and a whole range of insights about what you’re selling). That mix of short and longer-form content serves your audience, and in turn, search engines. Read extra details at Tayyab Shaikh Canada.

High quality authentication services by Vip Authentic

Expert certificate of authenticity services by Vip Authentic? Vip Authentic, Inc. is a celebrity autograph authentication service originally from Hollywood California. For over 30 years, we have been involved in the production of movies, TV shows, and special events. We’ve had the opportunity to work alongside some of the biggest names in entertainment. Established in 2017 as a quick, reliable way to authenticate signed movie props online, VIPAS is now considered the go-to authentication service for entertainment memorabilia.

Our experts specialize in authenticating celebrity autographs and collectibles from the worlds of TV and film. Whether you’re a seller or want to authenticate a signature for your own collection, VIP is your trusted source. Collectors will not purchase an item unless a trustworthy third-party authentication service verifies it. Increase the value of your items. Have them Verified Authentic by VIP Authentication Services.

VIP Authentic techniques: Make Sure the Paper, Pen and Ink Are Right: The manufacture, physical makeup and sizes of paper have differed over the years. Letters of Washington, Franklin and others of their generation were almost never written on paper smaller than about 8 by 10 inches. Often the paper was larger, more like 9 by 12 or 14. And sometimes that was its size when folded so that there were four sides total, meaning the sheet unfolded was actually more like 18 by 12 inches. Starting about the time of Jefferson’s administration, the really large paper lost popularity and stationary was mainly sheets about 8 by 10 inches. Small notepaper size stationery made its appearance about 1840 and was the paper of choice from 1860 until about 1900 when stationery assumed its present size.

VIP Authentic is a trusted third-party autograph authentication service. Our experts authenticate autographed memorabilia from film and entertainment’s biggest names. How Do We Know an Autograph is 100% authentic? Combining decades of experience with industry-leading authentication techniques, our in-house authenticators have the tools and resources to authenticate any celebrity signature. What Will You Receive? Professional Autograph Authentication Service, VIPCOA Card personalized with the Celebrity’s Name, Matching Hologram Decal for your collectible. Read extra info on Vip Authentic. Buyers and sellers don’t mind if their memorabilia is authenticated by PSA, JSA, BAS or someone else. Collectors like to display their coa cards with their item and like memorabilia accompanied by VIPAS holo cards.

Why select VIP Authentic? Note well that these autograph authentication companies have a role distinct from the work and responsibility of an autograph dealer: whilst many dealers do of course have a high level of expertise and experience of evaluating an item’s genuineness, it is autograph authenticators and their place as an independent party outside of the buy/sell process who are fully dedicated to authenticity as a business. This is like car dealers and those that repair cars, both are in the car business, but one sells cars, while the others offer a service related. Well, in a similar fashion you have autograph dealers and autograph authentication services. Some dealers also offer paid authentications, but most don’t. Although it is important to say, this does not necessarily mean they are the best source and the last word on that.

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Latest news by MyTrendingStories online publishing: You want to improve your Youtube channel or to increase the views of your videos and you don’t know how? Here are a few tips on how to obtain more Youtube viewers and subscribers. Make End Screens for Your Videos: Using end screens is a good way of boosting your views for free. Basically, what you need to do is provide viewers with more information about your channel, as well as inviting them to check out your other videos. The best thing about this is that making an end video is not a difficult task. In fact, you can do it by simply following these steps: Go to the Video Manager, Find the video to which you want to add an end screen and click Edit, Click the option titled “End Screens & Annotations”, Add an ends screen to the video. End videos do not have a direct impact on your videos’ ranking on YouTube search page, but they will certainly add to a more professional look at your whole channel.

Mytrendingstories latest real estate news: A virtual tour is a video. A 3D walkthrough is not. It creates a vision of the property to scale and brings it to life through digital rendering. While you can get a feel for a home’s features from a walkthrough, a 3D digital rending gives you a sense of the space. It’s a separate experience than a virtual house tour, designed for a different purpose. Here are a few things a 3D walkthrough delivers: A chance for people to decide where they want to navigate. A virtual house tour offers a single experience, but with a 3D walkthrough, you can decide where you want to go.

Mytrendingstories cryptocurrency world news: Consider laddering your buys and sells. In others words, instead of buying or selling everything in one chunk, set incremental buy and sell orders to buy when the price goes down and sell when the price goes up. Laddering and averaging will help you to avoid mistiming the complex and volatile cryptocurrency market. Learn about dollar cost averaging and laddering. Learn about position sizing and risk management. To the above point, one generally takes a much larger risk with bigger bets. Learn how to make the right size buys and sells to avoid losing too much on a bad play. See: The Basics of Risk Management and Position Sizing in Cryptocurrency.

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Excellent internet radio station for unsigned music with Glacer Fm

High quality internet radio station for unsigned music with Glacer Fm? Glacer FM is the #1 Global Internet Radio Station focused on Unsigned and Independent Music in all genres. Our music channels are genre specific and are always seeking to find songs that will be most appealing to every audience. Glacer Urban is the #1 Hip-hop, R&B and Rhythmic music channel. It showcases the best of independent and unsigned works from these three music genres as well as interviews and shows related to urban artists and culture.

Get On The PlayList: Glacer Music Radio focuses on independent/­unsigned acts and can be heard by millions of listeners worldwide. We are always open to receiving new music from artists in all genres. Become A Featured Artist: Create a massive brand awareness for your music video. You music video can be seen by millions of website visitors on around the globe by getting featured on GLACER UNDERGROUND’s webpages.

Music is an essential universal cultural aspect of all human societies. GLACER FM is committed to showcasing music from different cultures all over the world. We are broadcasting worldwide and round the Clock, 24/7 – 365. Tune In each day for all updates on the latest music programs, news and shows! Hosting some of the most compelling and engaging new content on all topics ranging from news, culture, education, politics, business, science, talk, religion, health and sports to music, comedy, entertainment and more, we’re proud to be home to some of the best independent creators who make incredible podcasts for our global audience. Our podcasts & shows are accessible on Demand 24/7 making it easy for listeners to access their favorite episodes anytime they want. Find additional details on Glacer FM.

Music Videos create a deeper connection as the viewer becomes more involved with the artists or band on a new level. Getting your video featured on GLACER FM’s indie channel (GLACER UNDERGROUND) will create a massive brand awareness for your music video as it could be seen by thousands of music fans worldwide. We feature a wide selection of music videos in all genres and from upcoming artists to fiercely independent artists to signed artists. Our music video promotion service will give your video the attention it deserves. Whether you are a completely undiscovered artist just starting out, an independent artist that has been around for a while or a signed artist looking to establish a brand name then getting featured on Glacer FM is a major step to showcasing your talent to the world. To promote with our featured artists service, we require that you send us additional information about your music career such as your photos, social media pages or websites and music store links. This information is published on the front pages of all our music channels so visitors can always access updates on your entire music career. This is a major way by which you can increase your visibility and exposure. Would you like to get on the featured artist sections of our music channels?

MyTrendingStories offers recommendations on protecting yourself from online scam today

Mytrendingstories suggests guides on avoiding online scams today? Hitman scam (This one’s killer): How it works: You get an email (or a text) from someone saying he’s been hired to kill you, or to kidnap a family member. He’ll insist you send a large amount of money to a certain email address in exchange for your safety. Usually, the email will also warn you against contacting the authorities. What’s really going on: There is no assassin. Somebody found your email address randomly (along with hundreds of others) and just wants your money. The big picture: Your first thought might be to wonder how anyone could possibly fall for this. But keep in mind that the first response of anyone who’s just been threatened with murder online is, most likely, to panic. Even scarier, many of these scams include the victim’s personal information, which is all too easy to access through social media. Avoidance maneuver: If you get one of these scary messages, the best thing to do is to ignore it. Responding to the scammer clues them in that they have reached a live account, and they’ll probably respond with more aggressive threats. No one wants that. Also, go ahead and contact the authorities; the better to stop the scammer in his tracks. To avoid being scammed, be careful about what you share on social media—there are some pieces of information you should definitely not be posting.

Trending news with online portal: Hacking is an attack directly on computer systems or websites that contain financial information. Merchant account takeovers is a type of fraud that have been trending upwards over the last few years but exploded in 2020 and 2021. This is when a fraudster logs into a person’s merchant account (Amazon, Uber, Venmo) and uses saved payment information to make purchases for themselves. Merchant account takeovers can happen when a person uses the same password across multiple online accounts. If that log in information is leaked from any one website, scammers can do something called “credential stuffing”, where they use programs to test that log in information across hundreds or thousands of popular websites, hoping to get a hit. The best way to combat this type of fraud is to use strong, unique passwords for online accounts. Use a password manager can create and store unique passwords with ease. Learn more about password managers here.

MyTrendingStories anti-scam tricks: After gaining a person’s trust, scammers often present a story of a personal hardship or struggle to get the victim to send money. And nearly as often, victims fall for the bait out of a mixture of generosity and what they believed was a genuine connection with their online partner. This is a mistake. You should never send money to someone online, particularly someone who you have never met in person. Additional tips to prevent you from becoming a victim of romance scams: Research the person’s photo/profile using online searches (like Google Image) to see if the material has been used elsewhere. Look out for poor grammar, spelling, unusual expressions and flowery language that don’t coincide with the person they are pretending to be. Ask a lot of questions and note any inconsistencies in current or past information they provided. Never provide personal information, including account, passport, social security or credit card numbers. New online scams pop up every week. While the internet has changed the world for the better in many ways, there is a downside. See even more details at discuss how to defeat scams: Beware of clicking on coupons from social media. If the coupon comes from the retailer’s official social media page, then you should be in the clear. But other times, fake coupons surface on social media pages that claim to be affiliated with retailers. For example, say you stumble onto a deal at Ross that isn’t promoted on any of Ross’ official media platforms. Instead of assuming that the deal is an inside scoop, contact your local Ross or try to track down the deal on Ross’ official website. Otherwise, you’re vulnerable to malware attacks. When you’re browsing the clearance section online, pay extra attention to final sale items. Final sale doesn’t always mean final prices, according to Consumerist. In fact, retailers will sometimes mark down the prices of their final sale items.

Scammers now frequently target people through emails, online banking systems, text messages and online transactions. While fraud is becoming ever more sophisticated, people are still getting caught out by traditional scam letters and phone calls. So you need to be wary. Some scams are obvious. Someone emails you to say a distant relative has died, and there’s no one but you to inherit their $100 million fortune – all you need to do is pay £500 upfront to release the funds. But some scams are a lot less obvious, and a lot more intelligent. This guide’s aimed at helping you spot them. If you’ve already responded to a scam, end all further communication immediately. Call your bank directly and cancel any recurring payments. Find additional details at brings tricks about how to avoid being scammed on the internet right now

How to avoid scams recommendations by Mytrendingstories writing platform 2021? Free trial offer! (Just pay forever) How it works: You see an Internet offer for a free one-month trial of some amazing product—often a teeth whitener or a weight-loss program. All you pay is $5.95 for shipping and handling. What’s really going on: Buried in fine print, often in a color that washes into the background, are terms that obligate you to pay $79 to $99 a month in fees, forever. The big picture: “These guys are really shrewd,” says Christine Durst, an Internet fraud expert who has consulted for the FBI and the FTC. “They know that most people don’t read all the fine print before clicking on ‘I agree,’ and even people who glance at it just look for numbers. So the companies spell out the numbers, with no dollar signs; anything that has to do with money or a time frame gets washed into the text.” That’s exactly what you’ll see in the terms for Xtreme Cleanse, a weight-loss pill that ends up costing “seventy-nine dollars ninety-five cents plus five dollars and ninety-five cents shipping and handling” every month once the 14-day free trial period ends or until you cancel. Avoidance maneuver: Read the fine print on offers, and don’t believe every testimonial. Check, a search engine that scours the Web for identical photos. If that woman with perfect teeth shows up everywhere promoting different products, you can be fairly certain her “testimonial” is bogus. Reputable companies will allow you to cancel, but if you can’t get out of a “contract,” cancel your card immediately, then negotiate a refund; if that doesn’t work, appeal to your credit card company. Not all websites will lose you money–Youtube can make you a fortune.

News from MyTrendingStories online portal: Hacking is an attack directly on computer systems or websites that contain financial information. Merchant account takeovers is a type of fraud that have been trending upwards over the last few years but exploded in 2020 and 2021. This is when a fraudster logs into a person’s merchant account (Amazon, Uber, Venmo) and uses saved payment information to make purchases for themselves. Merchant account takeovers can happen when a person uses the same password across multiple online accounts. If that log in information is leaked from any one website, scammers can do something called “credential stuffing”, where they use programs to test that log in information across hundreds or thousands of popular websites, hoping to get a hit. The best way to combat this type of fraud is to use strong, unique passwords for online accounts. Use a password manager can create and store unique passwords with ease. Learn more about password managers here.

MyTrendingStories anti-scam tricks: “The phone scams keep on coming — here are tips on how to avoid them” was the headline of a recent Boston Globe consumer protection column. Tips to avoid scams? Nice in theory, but with so many scams coming from so many directions, your best bet is to be generally aware of the new twists out there while you actively prepare for what you’ll do if one day you’re on the receiving end of a threatening message that actually makes you anxious or even terribly frightened. Talking to a local businessperson the other day, the “Professional Photographer/Copyright Infringement” scam came up. An email arrives filled with threats of legal action and a link the recipient is supposed to click to see the supposedly outrageous “copyright infringement” for themselves. This gentleman had just gotten the “Professional Photographer/Copyright Infringement” email again that morning, but he was not alarmed because he’d seen it about three times before. See even more information at mytrendingstories scam.

MyTrendingStories shows how to escape scams: So what’s the point of final sale items? To ward off return-happy customers. According to e-commerce analytics site Invesp, 30% of products ordered online are returned, compared with 8% of items purchased in-store. Although you don’t want to miss out on a good deal, subscribing to a lot of email lists can mean an overflowing inbox. Sure, promotions have a short shelf life, but there most likely is another one down the pipeline. Instead of getting a case of FOMO about promotions, it’s best to sign up for promotions when you’re in the hunt for something. This way you can give your inbox a break and not be tempted by unnecessary sale items.

Over the Phone Scams: Be aware and cautious of numbers that you do not recognize or not expecting. Do not be tricked by their attempts to threaten you with false ploys of cutting off electricity, water, etc., or saying you or a loved one will be in legal trouble if you do not act now. If a scammer starts to demand payments through gift cards, that is an automatic giveaway for fraud. Scam calls will try to steal your money and information through non-legitimate methods, the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office stated that they “do not call citizens demanding payments and threatening arrest. Some scammers will go as far as using actual names from agencies, but they are still angling for the same result – to deceive you out of your money.” Discover extra information on Mytrendingstories.

How to empower women ideas in 2021 by Najla Abdus Samad

Najla Abdus Samad and how to empower women trends right now? Ladies must be given equivalent open doors in each field, regardless of sexual orientation. Besides, they should likewise be given equivalent compensation. We can enable ladies by abrogating kid marriage. Different projects must be held where they can be encouraged aptitudes to battle for themselves if they face money related emergency. The training and opportunity situation is backward here. Ladies are not permitted to seek after advanced education, they are offered early. The men are as yet commanding ladies in certain districts like the lady must work for him perpetually, says Najla Abdus Samad. They don’t release them out or have opportunities of any sort.

Accomplishing the objective of equivalent investment of ladies and men in dynamic will give a parity that all the more precisely mirrors the organization of society and is required to fortify the majority rules system and advance its legitimate working. According to Najla Abdus Samad, fairness in political dynamics plays out an influenced work without which it is profoundly far-fetched that genuine coordination of the correspondence measurement in government strategy making is plausible. Equality of admittance to and fulfillment of instructive capabilities is vital if more ladies are to become influences. Proficiency of ladies is a significant key to improving well being, nourishment, and training in the family and to enabling ladies to partake in dynamic in the public eye, as per Najla.

What Najla Abdus Samad means by women empowerment? The empowerment of women can have no negatives, because it is just a means to create a broadened equality between the sexes. In contrast there are people who believe that women should not be treated as equals to their male counterparts. Some reasons I have heard include “men are stronger physically than women”, to this I say can a man withstand the labor if bearing children? Also, if you were to show me a strong man I could show you a women of equal strength. Show me a weak woman I could show you a weak male just as well. As far as this writer is concerned there are no con’s when it comes down to the empowerment of women. It is simply a term used with the purpose of uplifting that which should have been equal all along.

International Women’s Day, a global celebration of the economic, political and social achievements of women, took place for the first time on March 8, 1911. Many countries around the world celebrate the holiday with demonstrations, educational initiatives and customs such as presenting women with gifts and flowers. The United Nations has sponsored International Women’s Day since 1975. When adopting its resolution on the observance of International Women’s Day, the United Nations General Assembly cited the following reasons: “To recognize the fact that securing peace and social progress and the full enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms require the active participation, equality and development of women; and to acknowledge the contribution of women to the strengthening of international peace and security.”

Way Forward: More flexible workplace policies, affordable childcare, and expanded skills training, particularly in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). Investment in infrastructure and transportation can reap dividends by connecting more women to productive work opportunities. Address women’s under-representation in business leadership circles. Changing social attitudes about gender roles. Dismantling several barriers, like women should prioritize childcare over their careers. There are views that “when a mother works for pay, the children suffer”. Government, business, the media, and individual communities need to work together to change such views. Improve women’s access to digital technology, which can open countless economic and social doors—including into finance. Countries could come together to provide more financing for gender-equality initiatives and to encourage more gender-based investment and budgeting. Find more information about Najla Abdus Samad here.

EelinkTech GPS trackers & IoT devices manufacturer

Top GPS tracking devices reviews 2021: CSG provides BSS software and services for companies in the telecommunications industry that include BSS and revenue management, customer experience and digital monetization solutions. All products are built on public and private cloud platforms. Inspire provides cleaner and more efficient power to consumers. The company offers a “smart energy” subscription that offers customers 100% renewable energy as well as energy management services.

Some of the biggest NB-IoT device technology improvements in the last few years have been to the chipsets that are put into the devices. Chipsets are inserted into NB-IoT devices in order to manage the communication and flow of data between the processes, memory, and peripheral. The technology within chipsets allows NB-IoT modules to be created out of a myriad of devices and makes way for an endless possibility of interconnected devices. Some examples of how people are utilizing NB-IoT modules and devices are cities connecting and creating smart streetlights and parking meters, monitoring of gas and water consumption, tracking of vehicles, connecting devices such as computers televisions and phones within the home, and even following animals in the wilderness for research purposes.

Did you know police records show that traditional security methods are not enough when it comes to securing motorcycles? Reports also suggest that motorcycles even with system alarms and locks are stolen. Our motorcycle tracker is an anti-theft device that helps in protecting your bike from getting stolen or misplaced. It provides 24/7 comprehensive protection to two-wheelers. This assists vehicle rental businesses to ensure safety, accountability and a higher level of productivity from their employees. It is equipped with several advanced features such as geo-fencing, speeding and driving behavior. You can also trace the exact location of your vehicle by using customized applications. This tracking solution is beneficial for bikes, scooters to improve motorcycle security, and reduce insurance premiums.

If you are looking for the best 4G GPS trackers in the market, you are at the right place! After dominating the market with vehicle tracking technology products for years, our team at Shenzhen Eelink Communication Technology Co. has come up with the new 4G GPS trackers. These 4G vehicle tracking devices combine the 2G and 3G technologies to give unprecedented tracking results. Our 4G LTE GPS trackers offer an excellent resolution for tracking. They have the ability to connect with multiple global positioning satellites at the same time to produce excellent results. You will never lose your GPS connection with these devices no matter how remote the location is. Our 4G LTE GPS trackers have taken the tracking technology to a completely new level by combing the LTE and GPS technologies. With an active LTE connection, you can get real-time tracking results on your computer screen without any glitches or filters.

Founded in 2004, Shenzhen Eelink Communication Technology Co Ltd, is an experienced and highly acclaimed company to produce and sell communication terminal products. We are the leading China based GPS tracking device manufacturers with world class hardware and software solutions. Our innovative products and solutions are developed with best industry standards to suit local as well as international markets.

Saving Time with Our Spy Vehicle Tracking Systems None of your drivers can defy once you have our GPS vehicle tracking systems installed. You save time as the drivers are never allowed to waste time in between their due duties. This concurrently also bestows improved productivity as you can handle more orders in the time saved. Discover more info on Eelink Communication Technology. IoT involves extending internet connectivity beyond standard devices, such as desktops, laptops, smartphones and tablets, to any range of traditionally dumb or non-internet-enabled physical devices and everyday objects. Embedded with technology, these devices can communicate and interact over the internet, and they can be remotely monitored and controlled. Connected devices are part of a scenario in which every device talks to other related devices in an environment to automate home and industry tasks, and to communicate usable sensor data to users, businesses and other interested parties. IoT devices are meant to work in concert for people at home, in industry or in the enterprise. As such, the devices can be categorized into three main groups: consumer, enterprise and industrial.

Excellent movies celebrity news by

Recommended sports celebrity latest news right now? Choosing a movie to watch isn’t a fraught decision if you know who to trust. That’s the simple idea driving this list, which will be consistently updated and meticulously rearranged throughout the year. With some films getting their release days moved and others premiering early on VOD because of the ongoing global pandemic, this is already a strange, challenging year for the movie industry. But, like last year, we’ll still do our best to keep you in the loop on the explosion-filled blockbusters you can’t miss and the more intimate smaller films you must seek out. If it’s good, we want it on here.

The couple enjoyed a date night with a difference in May when they went to an ice hockey game together. Both the actress and country music star shared an image of themselves holding hands and watching the game dressed in matching yellow Nashville Predators t-shirts. Nicole and Keith recently returned to their home in America with their two daughters, Sunday and Faith, after several months in Australia. While they were there, Nicole filmed her upcoming project, Nine Perfect Strangers, which she stars in alongside many other major names such as Melissa McCarthy, Luke Evans and Regina Hall.

Plex is yet another option for streaming your local media content, over-the-air cable (provided you have the right hardware), and an on-demand library that now includes all of Crackle’s library. Open-source software Kodi offers similar media-management functionality. You should use a virtual private network (VPN) for all your internet-related tasks, but VPNs are particularly useful for streaming services since they can sometimes grant access to region-locked content. For example, if you connect to a VPN server in the UK from a device in the US, you may be able to watch free content from BBC TV. That said, streaming services are cracking down on VPN usage, so we recommend signing up for a trial to test your network setup before fully committing to a service. Make sure to check out our guide on how to unblock Netflix with a VPN as a starting point.

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At first blush it’s easy to dismiss Birds of Prey. But this feverish spectacle directed by Cathy Yan and scripted by Christina Hodson is a triumph that takes the typically limp superhero genre and injects it with life and bravado as it traces Harley Quinn’s (played by a brilliant Margot Robbie) emancipation from the shadow of her relationship to the Joker. What could have been a trifle turns out to be a rich reimagining of Gotham City into a glittery haven for criminals like Ewan McGregor’s prancing Black Mask and his right hand, Victor Zsasz (Chris Messina stealthily turning in one of the best performances in the film), who are nipping at Harley’s heels over a lost diamond. The plot is besides the point. What matters is the visceral experience. The costume design by Erin Benach is iconoclastic, drenching Harley in a confetti-and-caution-tape aesthetic. The supporting actors give surprisingly realized turns, especially Mary Elizabeth Winstead as the awkward but committed assassin Huntress on a mission of vengeance, and Jurnee Smollett-Bell’s high-kicking fearsome Black Canary. What makes the film sing at the right register of pleasure is its commitment to crafting some of the most audacious, eye-catching, and bone-crunching action set pieces that brim with humor and complication thanks to stunt coordination and fight choreography by Chad Stahelski. We got to see the film four times in theaters before all of this happened, and with each viewing our hearts burst with more appreciation for this scrappy, wild, bombastic film.

In the fictional northeast Brazilian town of Bacurau, residents are puzzled to discover that their home has disappeared from all GPS maps, and their cell service has ceased. Stranger still is the 1950s-style UFO zooming around the sky – perhaps a hallucination invoked by the psychotropic drugs the townsfolk have ingested? Or is it a tool of other sinister forces preparing to strike? Teaming with his former production designer Juliano Dornelles, director Kleber Mendonça Filho (Neighboring Sounds, Aquarius) delivers an allegory of zonked-out weirdness with Bacurau, which quickly has locals engaging in a do-or-die battle with a pair of interloping São Paulo bikers and a group of murderous Western tourists (led by a hilariously peculiar Udo Kier) who’ve traveled to South America to partake in a variation of The Most Dangerous Game. Stylistically indebted to both the Westerns of Sergio Leone and the thrillers of John Carpenter, and yet imbued with an out-there spirit all its own, Filho and Dornelles’ film takes a gonzo scalpel to geopolitical dynamics. Discover even more info at

Aviva tackles the multifaceted nature of gender identity in fittingly diverse fashion, depicting the highs and lows of a couple’s relationship via narrative and modern-dance means – as well as by having both a man and a woman play each of its protagonists, male Eden (Bobbi Jene Smith, Tyler Phillips) and female Aviva (Zina Zinchenko, Or Schraiber). That Bunuelian device speaks to the masculine and feminine sides of both characters, whose ups and downs together and apart form the basis of Boaz Yakin’s (Remember the Titans) unconventional semi-autobiographical tale. From email pen pals, to husband and wife, to estranged exes, Eden and Aviva’s love story is told from both external and interior vantage points. The writer/director employs narration, shifts in perspective, flashbacks, and wild dramatic scenes—both male and female Edens and Avivas sometimes share the screen, partying, arguing or having passionate sex—to provide an intimate sense of the desires and fears propelling these conjoined figures forward. Yakin’s sinuous, passionate indie is as entrancing as it is daring.

Premium streaming providers reviews today

Best streaming providers tricks 2021? Many other live TV services also strive to appeal to general audiences, including AT&T TV, and YouTube TV. Other services are better suited for one genre of content than others. For example, fuboTV is an excellent sports streaming service, though it pretty much matches Hulu in the other categories as well. ESPN+ is another sports-centric service, but with a much narrower content scope. How Much Does Hulu Cost? Hulu’s ad-supported, on-demand streaming plan currently costs $5.99 per month. To avoid ads, you need to spring for the $11.99-per-month plan. You can bundle Hulu (ad-supported version), Disney+, and ESPN+ for $13.99 per month or get the ad-free version of Hulu in that same bundle for $19.99 per month. College students can get the ad-free version of Hulu for $1.99 per month. The $64.99-per-month Hulu + Live TV plan bundles the service’s live TV component with ad-supported access to its on-demand library. If you want Hulu’s live channels and the ad-free on-demand package, that costs $70.99 per month.

After quitting school, Urban continued working his way up the musical ranks in his home country of Australia. He eventually signed a record deal with EMI Records and released his self-titled, debut album in 1991 in Australia only. The album features 15 tracks and produced three singles, “I Never Work on a Sunday,” “Only You” and “Got It Bad.” The album was released to international audiences in 2005. By the early ‘90s, Urban was seeing great success in Australia, so he decided it was time to move to Music City, USA to continue making his mark in country music. Urban moved to Nashville in 1992 and worked many music-related jobs to get his foot in the door. Having already mastered the guitar, Urban served as a session guitarist for artists such as Paul Jefferson, Tim Wilson and Charlie Daniels. He also played guitar on tour with Brooks & Dunn, the Dixie Chicks (now The Chicks) and Alan Jackson. A young Urban can even be seen playing guitar in Jackson’s 1993 music video for “Mercury Blues.”

Disciplined in its approach and unapologetic about its contrivances, Ben Affleck’s basketball coach in crisis drama The Way Back is a sports movie that understands the fundamentals. What it lacks in flashiness or ingenuity — the underdog narrative of a crappy team hitting its stride under the leadership of a gruff coach hits all the requisite Hoosiers notes — it makes up for with an oddly enthralling downbeat craftsmanship. Little details, like the freeze-frame when the scores of games pop up on screen or the click-clack percussion-heavy music, accumulate emotional power over the film’s brisk runtime. Playing a washed-up ex-athlete with an immediately apparent drinking problem and a number of strategically hidden personal demons, Affleck delivers a weary performance that resonates with his off-screen persona (and his recent tabloid headlines) in ways both obvious and surprising. In brief stretches, director Gavin O’Connor, who helmed the similarly intense melodramas Miracle and Warrior, pulls off the ultimate sports movie trick of making you believe the character’s redemption isn’t inevitable. Every win is a battle — even if you know the results going in.

Tom Hardy’s gift for hulking intensity and charismatic growling are in full effect in Capone, a fictionalized account of the last year in the life of the legendary American gangster. Trapped in a palatial Florida estate, his mind deteriorating thanks to neurosyphilitic dementia, Al Capone (Hardy) rants, raves, soils himself and freaks out over hallucinatory visions of people, and events, from his past. Writer/director Josh Trank’s film is a subjective affair told largely from Capone’s POV, so that nothing can be trusted and yet everything speaks, symbolically, to the man’s deep-seated ambitions, fears and misgivings. It’s a headfirst dive into delusion, told with free-flowing suspense and absurd comedy, all of which comes to the fore during a late scene in which Capone opens fire on his friends and family with a giant golden tommy gun while wearing a diaper and chomping on a cigar-like carrot. Part Cowardly Lion, part Bugs Bunny, and altogether ferocious even as his sanity frays, Hardy’s Capone is yet another triumph for the star, who ultimately captures his protagonist less through imposing physicality than via his dark, glassy, lost eyes. Find even more details on katy pitt. The competition between video streaming services has never been tougher, so some media companies are banding together. For instance, CBS and Viacom merged (again) and launched Paramount+. AT&T announced plans to merge WarnerMedia with Discovery to form a new streaming giant. Amazon is reportedly buying MGM for $9 billion, too, which should considerably boost Prime Video’s library. The increasingly competitive streaming market is not without consequences. Consumers who may have originally been attracted to the flexibility that streaming services offer over cable, now must navigate a crowded and constantly shifting nightmare of streaming rights and new services, many of which continue to rise in cost. Live TV streaming services are also struggling to adjust to the rising costs of broadcast rights from cable channel owners. The price of just about every one of these services has increased considerably over time.

The second feature to go out under the aegis of Barack and Michelle Obama as part of their Higher Ground series for Netflix, it’s an inspirational civil-rights documentary that sounds as if it’s going to be Good for You rather than good but turns out to be both. Directed by Nicole Newnham and Jim LeBrecht (who was born with spina bifida and appears onscreen), the film begins in 1971 in the Catskills’ Camp Jened, where teen and 20-something “cripples” (a word then used) are elated by the freedom to shed their defenses and feel at home. Their camp experience lays the foundation for a seminal demonstration in which disabled people (among them the commanding Judy Heumann) occupy HEW headquarters for more than a week. It’s both a profile of people determined not to be invisible — merely getting to the point where they could make themselves seen required a psychological revolution — and a rousing celebration of the activist counterculture that inspired and sustained them.

Historical changes often have humble beginnings, as was the case with the American Disabilities Act (ADA), whose origin is Camp Jened, a 1970s summer getaway for disabled men and women in New York’s Catskill mountains. James LeBrecht and Nicole Newnham’s documentary is the story of that quietly revolutionary locale, where disrespected and marginalized handicapped kids were finally given an opportunity to simply be themselves, free from the judgement of those not like them. What it instilled in them was a sense of self-worth, as well as indignation at the lesser-than treatment they received from society. Led by the heroic Judy Heumann and many of her fellow Jened alums, a civil rights movement was born, resulting in the famous San Francisco sit-in to compel U.S. Secretary of Health, Education and Wellness Joseph Califano to sign Section 504 of 1973’s Rehabilitation Act, and later, the ADA. Intermingling copious footage of Camp Jened and the movement it produced with heartfelt interviews with some of its tale’s prime players, Crip Camp is a moving example of people fighting tooth-and-nail for the equality and respect they deserve – and, in the process, transforming the world.

With YouTube TV, you get unlimited cloud DVR storage. The service will keep your recordings for nine months and you can stream your content from anywhere in the US. One YouTube TV membership supports up to six accounts, so you can share with family or roommates, though note that you can only stream from three accounts simultaneously. YouTube TV’s apps look and work great across a variety of platform, including Fire TV devices and the PlayStation 4. However, YouTube and Roku are currently feuding, so Roku owners may soon lose access to YouTube TV. That’s a shame, as its capable search tools and solid streaming performance in our testing establish it as one of the best cable replacement services for general audiences. VRV expands beyond the niche of anime streaming by bundling other channels dedicated to cartoons, gaming, and geek culture. Currently, the service offers Boomerang, Cartoon Hangover, Crunchyroll, Hidive, Mondo, NickSplat, Rooster Teeth, and VRV Select original shows. You can subscribe to individual channels, but a full VRV subscription is a better value, since it gets you access to everything. Alternatively, if you don’t mind watching ads, VRV lets you watch most of its content for free in 1080p.

High quality TV movies services tricks in 2021

Top writers in 2021 and movies guides? Many other live TV services also strive to appeal to general audiences, including AT&T TV, and YouTube TV. Other services are better suited for one genre of content than others. For example, fuboTV is an excellent sports streaming service, though it pretty much matches Hulu in the other categories as well. ESPN+ is another sports-centric service, but with a much narrower content scope. How Much Does Hulu Cost? Hulu’s ad-supported, on-demand streaming plan currently costs $5.99 per month. To avoid ads, you need to spring for the $11.99-per-month plan. You can bundle Hulu (ad-supported version), Disney+, and ESPN+ for $13.99 per month or get the ad-free version of Hulu in that same bundle for $19.99 per month. College students can get the ad-free version of Hulu for $1.99 per month. The $64.99-per-month Hulu + Live TV plan bundles the service’s live TV component with ad-supported access to its on-demand library. If you want Hulu’s live channels and the ad-free on-demand package, that costs $70.99 per month.

According to Kidman, Urban isn’t very high maintenance, but he’ll take a pedicure every once in a while from his wife. In fact, Kidman enjoys giving her whole family a spa day, including him. “He’s a pretty low-maintenance guy,” Kidman told InStyle. “Sometimes, though, I’ll treat my whole family to a spa day and massage their feet and give them pedicures.” Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman are one of the cutest celebrity couples, and with both of them working all over the world, it would be easy to miss out on time together. Due to this, they are strict about how much time they spend apart and try not to go more than one week without seeing each other. “Two weeks is still too long for us [to be apart],” Kidman told Vanity Fair. “We like one week. We start to hurt after seven days.”

For a certain type of moviegoer, any film where Nicolas Cage says the word “alpacas” multiple times is worth seeking out. Luckily, Color Out of Space, a psychedelic adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft’s short story from 1927, offers more than just furry animals and unhinged Cage theatrics. Mixing hints of science-fiction intrigue and bursts horror movie excess, along with a couple splashes of stoner-friendly comedy, Richard Stanley’s proudly weird B-movie vibrates on its own peculiar frequency. Cage’s Nathan, a chatty farmer with a loving wife (Joely Richardson) and a pair of mildly rebellious kids, must contend with a meteoroid that crashes in his front yard, shooting purple light all over his property and infecting the local water supply. Is it some space invader? A demonic spirit? A biological force indiscriminately wreaking havoc on the fabric of reality itself? The squishy unknowability of the evil is precisely the point, and Stanley melds Evil Dead-like gore showdowns with Pink Floyd laser light freak-outs to thrilling effect, achieving a moving and disquieting type of genre alchemy that should appeal to fans of Cage’s out-there turn in the similarly odd hybrid Mandy. Again, you’ll know if this is in your wheelhouse or not.

Tom Hardy’s gift for hulking intensity and charismatic growling are in full effect in Capone, a fictionalized account of the last year in the life of the legendary American gangster. Trapped in a palatial Florida estate, his mind deteriorating thanks to neurosyphilitic dementia, Al Capone (Hardy) rants, raves, soils himself and freaks out over hallucinatory visions of people, and events, from his past. Writer/director Josh Trank’s film is a subjective affair told largely from Capone’s POV, so that nothing can be trusted and yet everything speaks, symbolically, to the man’s deep-seated ambitions, fears and misgivings. It’s a headfirst dive into delusion, told with free-flowing suspense and absurd comedy, all of which comes to the fore during a late scene in which Capone opens fire on his friends and family with a giant golden tommy gun while wearing a diaper and chomping on a cigar-like carrot. Part Cowardly Lion, part Bugs Bunny, and altogether ferocious even as his sanity frays, Hardy’s Capone is yet another triumph for the star, who ultimately captures his protagonist less through imposing physicality than via his dark, glassy, lost eyes. Discover additional details on The competition between video streaming services has never been tougher, so some media companies are banding together. For instance, CBS and Viacom merged (again) and launched Paramount+. AT&T announced plans to merge WarnerMedia with Discovery to form a new streaming giant. Amazon is reportedly buying MGM for $9 billion, too, which should considerably boost Prime Video’s library. The increasingly competitive streaming market is not without consequences. Consumers who may have originally been attracted to the flexibility that streaming services offer over cable, now must navigate a crowded and constantly shifting nightmare of streaming rights and new services, many of which continue to rise in cost. Live TV streaming services are also struggling to adjust to the rising costs of broadcast rights from cable channel owners. The price of just about every one of these services has increased considerably over time.

Haley Bennett is absurdly good as a Hudson Valley housewife who’s sleepwalking through a controlling marriage until a psychological disorder forces her into awareness. Carlo Mirabella-Davis’s psychological drama is an exploration of domestic oppression and unexamined expectations of motherhood — but it’s also its own kind of body-horror story, as its heroine finds herself indulging in the urge to swallow things that were never intended for human consumption. These increasingly disturbing spectacles are enfolded in a movie that’s otherwise mesmerizingly beautiful, like a dream that gives way to a nightmare before dumping you, abruptly, back into the land of the living.

No matter that her characters are plagued by malevolent supernatural forces, Natalie Erika James’ directorial debut is a thriller with grimly realistic business on its mind. Called back to their rural Australian childhood home after matriarch Edna (Roby Nevin) goes temporarily missing, Kay (Emily Mortimer) and daughter Sam (Bella Heathcote) discover that the past refuses to remain dormant. The specter of death is everywhere in this rustic residence, whose cluttered boxes and myriad artifacts are reflections of its owner’s mind, and whose creepy wall rot is echoed on Edna’s aged body. Edna’s vacant stares and strange behavior are the catalyst for a story that derives considerable suspense from unnerving set pieces and, more pointed still, the question of whether everything taking place is the result of unholy entities or the elderly woman’s physical and mental deterioration. That balance is key to Relic’s terror as well as its heart, both of which peak during a claustrophobic finale set inside a literal and figurative maze, and a coda that suggests that there’s nothing scarier, or kinder, than sticking with loved ones until the end.

You can download Netflix on a variety of devices, from your PC and tablet to the Chromecast and game consoles. And yes, you can finally disable the obnoxious auto-playing previews. Other new Netflix features include Screen Lock on Android devices, which prevents unintentional screen taps, and more parental control settings, which allow you to better restrict content and profiles. Alongside Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV+, and Disney+, Netflix is one of the few streaming services that supports both offline downloads and 4K and HDR streaming (now on Macs, too). And yes, Netflix’s DVD mailing service still exists if you want newer releases, though streaming is clearly its primary business.

Best streaming providers recommendations right now

Premium TV movies platform recommendations in 2021? Hulu offers many cable TV shows. For fans of animation, there’s Archer, Adventure Time, Bob’s Burgers, and Futurama. Drama shows include Bones, Killing Eve, The Orville, and The X-Files. Comedy fans can watch 30 Rock, Broad City, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Letterkenny, Malcolm in the Middle, Scrubs, and Seinfeld. Note that Parks and Recreation has left for NBC’s Peacock and Seinfeld is going to Netflix in 2021. The good news is that Hulu’s FX hub is live. FX shows such as A Teacher and The Old Man, Devs, and Mrs. America exclusively stream on Hulu. Full seasons of past FX shows, including Archer, Atlanta, Better Things, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Justified, and Snowfall live there, too. You can stay on top of what’s available with PCMag’s monthly guide to what’s arriving on Hulu. Like Netflix and Amazon, Hulu also creates original content. While its offerings have typically been a mixed bag and many shows don’t get renewed, its track record is trending upward. Some of Hulu’s best original releases include Castle Rock, Harlots, Helstrom, High Fidelity, Little Fires Everywhere, Marvel’s Runaways, The Handmaid’s Tale, and Veronica Mars. Ramy and The Act both won Golden Globe awards. Hulu is also one of our picks for the best video streaming services for celebrating Black art.

According to Kidman, Urban isn’t very high maintenance, but he’ll take a pedicure every once in a while from his wife. In fact, Kidman enjoys giving her whole family a spa day, including him. “He’s a pretty low-maintenance guy,” Kidman told InStyle. “Sometimes, though, I’ll treat my whole family to a spa day and massage their feet and give them pedicures.” Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman are one of the cutest celebrity couples, and with both of them working all over the world, it would be easy to miss out on time together. Due to this, they are strict about how much time they spend apart and try not to go more than one week without seeing each other. “Two weeks is still too long for us [to be apart],” Kidman told Vanity Fair. “We like one week. We start to hurt after seven days.”

Arriving on streaming in the middle of a pandemic, a time when many lives have fallen into unceasing loops of quarantine-related repetition and tedium, the Lonely Island produced comedy Palm Springs perhaps resonated differently than when it premiered at Sundance earlier this year. Jokes about doing the same shit over and over just hit harder now. Tracking a romance between a goofball wedding guest (Andy Samberg) and the bride’s self-destructive sister (Cristin Milioti), writer Andy Siara’s clever script combines Groundhog Day existentialism with a quippy take on quantum physics, doling out inspirational life lessons and math cram sessions at a clipped pace. In the same way Tom Cruise had to battle aliens in Edge of Tomorrow, the two must relive a wedding over and over, struggling to escape from an Instagram-ready, celebratory hell. It might not be as purely funny as Samberg’s other big screen adventures Hot Rod and Popstar, but Palm Springs finds its own winning spin on a surprisingly robust micro-genre.

The modern gig economy receives a thorough thrashing by Ken Loach’s Sorry We Missed You, another sober class-conscious drama from the celebrated British director. Faced with limited professional options, Ricky (Kris Hitchen) gets a job as a delivery driver for a company that doesn’t technically hire him; rather, he’s “self-employed,” meaning the onus for everything falls on his shoulders. That proves to be an arduous state of affairs given that his wife Abbie (Debbie Honeywood) is a home care nurse who works long hours (also for “herself”), and their son Seb (Rhys Stone) is a school-skipping, graffiti-spraying teen who – having seen the incessant, back-breaking toil and anxiety that comes from his parents’ chosen paths – has opted instead for delinquency. As hardships mount, Loach incisively details the major and minor ways in which this contractor-oriented paradigm is fundamentally rigged against workers. His despairing condemnation is all the more wrenching for coming via a deeply empathetic portrayal of an everyday clan buckling under the strain of unjust forces out of their control. Read even more info at marlenia thornton. The competition between video streaming services has never been tougher, so some media companies are banding together. For instance, CBS and Viacom merged (again) and launched Paramount+. AT&T announced plans to merge WarnerMedia with Discovery to form a new streaming giant. Amazon is reportedly buying MGM for $9 billion, too, which should considerably boost Prime Video’s library. The increasingly competitive streaming market is not without consequences. Consumers who may have originally been attracted to the flexibility that streaming services offer over cable, now must navigate a crowded and constantly shifting nightmare of streaming rights and new services, many of which continue to rise in cost. Live TV streaming services are also struggling to adjust to the rising costs of broadcast rights from cable channel owners. The price of just about every one of these services has increased considerably over time.

Romanian director Corneliu Porumboiu loves to play with procedure and form; he’s an ideal director for playful tales about bureaucrats, cops, and other officials in a country still wrestling with the decades-long fallout from a communist dictatorship. His movies are cosmic comedies shot through with moments of ironic tragedy, and this crime comedy-drama might be his weirdest one yet. It starts off as a bizarro tale about a policeman who has to learn a “whistling” language used by the inhabitants of one of the Canary Islands in order to help free a gangster from prison, then twists into a moving meditation on love, loyalty, and self-improvement. Best experienced without knowing anything beforehand; I’ve already said too much!

Andrew Patterson’s The Vast of Night is a marriage of the old and the new, blending effects-aided cinematic showmanship to old-school radio drama. In the director’s sterling feature debut (written by James Montague and Craig W. Sanger, and framed as an episode of a Twilight Zone-ish show called “Paradox Theater”), two 1950s high schoolers – confident radio DJ Everett (Jake Horowitz) and telephone operator Faye (Sierra McCormick) – stumble upon a strange signal that, they come to suspect, originates from the stars looming above their small-town-USA home. Like Orson Welles’ classic 1938 The War of the Worlds broadcast, the film is a tale of potential invasion that plays out over radio waves, and Patterson thus naturally focuses on intently listening faces, and the spoken words that captivate them, as a means of generating anticipation, mystery and suspense. At the same time, his centerpiece sequences are models of formal precision and depth, as protracted shots across sprawling fields, through crowded gymnasiums, and in and out of cramped buildings create pulse-pounding tension while simultaneously conveying the propulsive flow and binding, interconnected nature of narrative storytelling itself.

Hulu’s basic on-demand streaming plan only costs $5.99 per month, but the ad-free version will run you $11.99 per month. College students can now get Hulu’s ad-supported version for $1.99 per month. The Hulu + Live TV plan costs $64.99 per month and combines Hulu’s live TV service with the ad-supported streaming plan. You can add Enhanced Cloud DVR (increases the available DVR storage to 200 hours from 50) or the Unlimited Screens package (allows an unlimited number of concurrent device streams in your home and up to three outside of it) to your plan for $14.99 per month each or $19.99 for both. If you want even more options, you can add HBO or Showtime for $14.99 and $8.99 per month, respectively. Note that Disney controls Hulu, so we can’t predict Hulu’s long-term future, especially with the successful Disney+ launch. For now, it appears that Hulu will keep all the shows and movies from the 21st Century FOX acquisition that are intended for older audiences.