Best rated WestBay immigration consultations Canada

Top rated WestBay immigration reviews in Canada? We are committed to offering personalized services tailored to our client’s needs. You can trust to provide you with the latest updates on all your immigration matters whether you are meeting our team in-person, over the phone or by email. We believe in building strong relationships with our clients and conduct ourselves with the utmost honesty and integrity. Your trust is important to us, and we will consistently deliver exceptional service to you today, and over the years for all your immigration matters. Find even more details at WestBay Canada immigration reviews.

The quality of education and living standards in Canada are amongst the highest in the world, but the cost of living and tuition fees for international students are generally lower than in other countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom. As such, Canada is often the preferred choice for students attending college or university. Since research is one of the key components of a Canadian post-secondary education, you will have ample opportunity to become a part of this vibrant aspect of education.

See extra info at WestBay immigration reviews? Securing a nomination through Canada’s PNP is a way of ensuring that an Express Entry candidate is issued an Invitation to Apply [ITA] in the subsequent federal draw held by IRCC. An Express Entry candidate that is successful in getting a PNP nomination – through any of the Express Entry-linked PNP streams – is automatically allotted 600 additional points based on the Comprehensive Ranking System [CRS]. It is the CRS score of an Express Entry candidate that determines if they are to be issued an invitation by IRCC. The highest-ranked candidates are issued ITAs in the Express Entry draws held by IRCC. Hence, fetching 600 CRS points for an Express Entry candidate, a nomination through Canada PNP program is a guarantee of that individual being invited to apply for their Canada PR.

What is a Dependent Child? A child of the sponsor, or a child of the sponsor’s spouse or common-law partner, can be considered a dependent child if they are under age 22 and don’t have a spouse or common-law partner of their own. Children over age 22 can be dependents if they relied on their parents for financial support before age 22, and are unable to financially support themselves due to a mental or physical condition. Children in sole custody of a previous spouse are still considered dependent children, and must be declared on the sponsorship application. If a dependent child being sponsored has one or more dependent children of their own, then the sponsor must prove their financial capacity by meeting a low income cut-off.

Canada is known to the world as an “energy superpower” because of its abundant natural resources. The economy of Canada is highly dominated by its abundance of natural resources and strong service country. The economy of Canada has been growing steadily for years. Canada proffers tremendous opportunities to foreigners who wish to start a business in Canada. Every year thousands of people migrate to the shores of Canada to start a business. The business immigration in Canada came into existence to encourage investment and employment in Canada through the migration of people who can establish or invest in the business in Canada.

How to pick the best New York immigration lawyer for chinese US visa citizens

US immigration lawyers recommendations for chinese citizens
How to pick the best New York immigration lawyer for chinese US visa citizens: Learn the benefits of taking an English proficiency test, such as the IELTS, TOEFL, or Duolingo English test, and then practice to improve your score. Cybercrime is one of the biggest risks that you are likely to encounter in the United States. Make sure that your accounts are safe from hackers. Engineering is one of the most popular STEM fields studied and practiced by immigrants in the U.S. Discover how to find employment through this career field. Then, determine if it is right for you. Before you go on job interviews, learn how to leverage your international education and work experience in the U.S.

Immigration Attorney Fees: The charging standard must be reasonable, and it is best to charge in steps. (First of all, this can ensure that the lawyer carefully completes every link of the green card application, and can also reduce some of the economic burden). China vs foreign immigration lawyer: Many people may have a professional misunderstanding of American lawyers, because in many cases it is true that local lawyers have more advantages. However, in the face of immigration applications, which basically do not need to go to court, it is necessary to find an immigration lawyer with the best language communication. Finding an immigration lawyer is actually similar to finding a doctor. Since it requires a lot of communication between clients and lawyers, it is recommended to find a lawyer who speaks Chinese. And preferably the customer service and paralegal both speak Chinese and English. In this way, whether it is assessing the status of the application with a lawyer or the assistant receiving the application materials, there can be greater protection and unnecessary errors can be reduced.

When entering negotiations about your position, do not forget to mention your credential evaluation and overseas training. This can help you secure a higher salary. Find out if you have the skills and training necessary to excel in a technologically advanced workplace. How can you demonstrate those skills in a profitable way? Volunteering is a fantastic way to make connections in your community, expand your professional network, and gain access to free training and development opportunities. Networking, in general, is a sure way to promote your skills, build your confidence, and grow your resources. You should also focus on networking with your own colleagues. Focus on developing interpersonal skills and utilizing strong communication habits at work. Once you have a good job, always consider your next steps. Prepare to take your career to the next level. Discover even more info on

For our chinese readers:

如何选择移民律师: 移民法是最复杂的法律领域之一。选择一位优秀的移民律师可以对您的绿卡申请案件产生重大影响:获得绿卡或被迫离开美国。一个糟糕的移民律师可能会向您收取过高的费用,未能提供承诺的服务,或以您可能永远无法恢复的方式损害您的案件。如果您正在寻找纽约移民律师,您很幸运,纽约有很多选择。因此,您应该更加谨慎,以下是有关如何选择移民律师的几点提示。移民律师 评价: 您可以在网上找到很多关于您的律师的信息:他是否被列为州律师协会,以及美国移民律师协会或AILA(大多数最佳律师的专业组织);他是否在网站上获得好评;律师是否已撰写专业文章以供出版等。如果您发现的唯一评论显示律师被逮捕或取消律师资格,那您就连预约的必要都没有了。

获得美国绿卡的途径: 获得美国绿卡的途径有很多,下面简单介绍8种。 嫁/娶个美国公民: 这是一种最快拿到美国绿卡的方式,这种方式不需要学历和专长。 申请H1B签证再转换成绿卡 美国为了吸引人才,对留学生申请绿卡开辟通道,可以找到一个雇主,然后申请H1B签证,有了h1b签证,接着就可以申请绿卡。不过,如果在H1B签证到期后还没有成功转为绿卡的话,H1B就失效了。请工作绿卡: 工作绿卡分为EB1、EB2、EB3和EB5,其中EB1给杰出人才,目前因为申请人数少没有排期,EB2和EB3的申请条件相对EB1较低,但是有排期(国家利益豁免除外),EB4是神职人员或其他特殊移民,EB5则是给可以在美国创造就业的投资移民。

绿卡排期 :对大多数人来说,绿卡申请是一场长达数年的战役,具体时间因人而已,因为整个过程中,意外情况可能层出不穷,从而导致进度发生延迟。获得绿卡(Green Card)意味着获得了在美国的永久居留权(U.S. lawful Permanent Residence),各种工作签证持有者从此不用再为签证到期或失去工作而惶恐不安。获得绿卡的途径有工作移民(Employment Based – EB),亲属移民(Family Based – FB),政治避难(Political Asylum Based)等,甚至还有一种乐透绿卡(Diversity lottery Based),专门将一定名额开放给其他国家的人以抽签的方式取得,有点类似于彩票抽奖,所以叫乐透绿卡。 在网站上阅读更多信息 o1 簽證.

O1签证 申请要求: 既然是给特殊人才的签证,O-1签证的申请标准自然会相对高一些,你需要证明自己在相关领域是顶尖级人才。如何证明?在国际上获得过重要奖项就可以了,当然,如果没有获得过国际大奖,只要满足以下条件中的三项也可以: 获得过国家级奖项或者相对影响力较小的国际级奖项, 是本领域内由国际或国家级的专家认可的著名团体的成员, 著名出版物或著名媒体对该申请人及其工作成果有过相关报道, 曾经担任过本领域内其他人士的作品的评审, 在本领域内做出过科学上、学术上或者商务上的重要贡献, 在专业期刊上或者重要媒体上发表过文章, 在著名组织举办的演出活动中参与过演出, 在相关行业工作,薪酬高于同行