Denture treatments dental services Luton 2023

Top rated root canal treatment private dental clinic Milton Keynes: We offer the full range of treatments including a Scale and Polish, Deep Cleaning, and Non Surgical Periodontal Therapy. These treatments are prescribed depending on the health of the gums, and patients with more significant gum disease will need more extensive treatment. Some of these more extensive treatments require the administration of local anaesthetic to ensure a comfortable experience. We of course also offer more cosmetic solutions. Our patients have access to Jet washes, AIRFLOW® and Teeth Whitening Treatment. This includes conventional tray whitening but also laser teeth whitening. See extra info on dental implant Milton Keynes.

Teeth that have been severely damaged may require a dental crown. If you have chipped, broken or fractured a tooth then our dentist will look to saving as much of the tooth as possible and restore its shape and function with a hard wearing and long lasting dental crown. On your first visit a impression is taken and then sent to a dental laboratory for the exact shaped crown to be made. This will take several days and a temporary crown may be fitted. Once your new crown arrives, we will arrange a second appointment with you where your crown will be fitted with a special strong adhesive. In some cases where there is a gap, we can fill the space with a dental bridge and use the adjacent teeth to provide the support. The crowns are made from a strong porcelain material and can be shaped and coloured to appear natural and to the shade of the rest of your teeth. Once fitted you can enjoy eating immediately.

Over-whitening—from using too much whitening gel or reapplying too often—can permanently damage teeth. Over-whitening can also make teeth look translucent or discolored, which can’t be fixed without replacing the tooth completely. This translucence can make teeth grayish in color. Don’t worry about having the whitest smile you can get. Not only can this actually age your teeth faster (and make yellowing worse), white teeth aren’t actually indicative of a healthy smile.

The antibiotic tetracycline causes gray teeth in children whose teeth are still developing. Antibacterial mouthwashes that contain chlorhexidine or cetylpyridinium chloride can also stain teeth. Some antihistamines, antipsychotic drugs, and blood pressure medications cause tooth stains, as can iron and excess fluoride. If bleaching doesn’t help, ask your dentist about dental bonding, in which a tooth-colored material is applied to teeth.

Avoid ‘Baby Bottle Decay’: Don’t put your infant or older child down for a nap with a bottle of juice, formula, or milk. Sugary liquids cling to his teeth, feeding bacteria that can cause tooth decay. If you must give your child a bottle to take to bed, make sure it contains only water. Here are some tips to help keep your child’s teeth healthy and strong starting at age 3: Use a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste and make sure your child spits it out after brushing, Be sure your child brushes for at least 2 minutes twice a day, Start flossing as soon as teeth touch, or even earlier to help build good habits. Help your child brush and floss, and remind him or her to pay attention to the back teeth. Visit the dentist every 6 months.

You may be surprised to discover that baking soda is a natural tooth whitener. It’s actually in most kinds of toothpaste! To use it directly on your teeth and whiten them mix a quarter of a teaspoon of baking soda with some water to make a paste. Then simply apply it to your teeth. You’ll need to do this every day to see the effects, it’s a gradual process. This is great for your teeth and your gums. Simply add a teaspoon of salt to a cup of boiled water and let it cool. You can then use it in the same way as you would a mouthwash. The salt is a natural antibacterial, killing unfriendly bacteria in your mouth.

Durability: Your dental implants should last you a lifetime. Once they integrate with the bone, they will remain in place as long as you are in good oral health. Proper oral hygiene is key to them remaining healthy and strong for a lifetime. Traditional tooth replacement options like dental bridges and dentures are much less durable only relying on suction, adhesive or remaining teeth to hold them in place. Comfort: Dental implant restorations are more comfortable to wear than traditional dentures and bridges. They will not place extra stress on remaining teeth nor will irritate your gums. Your restoration is anchored securely to the implants in jawbone and will not require adhesives or other products to keep them in place. See even more info on