Quality minimally invasive spine surgery expert in Paramus, NJ

Minimally invasive spine surgery expert Paramus, NJ with Neurospineplus: The field of spine surgery is constantly evolving, and it’s essential for patients to find a surgeon who stays up to date on the latest treatments and technologies. In Paramus, NJ, one neurosurgeon stands out as a leader in the field: Dr. Edward Scheid, the top spine surgeon in the area. Dr. Scheid received his medical degree from one of the top medical schools in the country. He then went on to receive advanced training in minimally invasive spine surgery, which allows him to perform complex spinal procedures with minimal disruption to the surrounding muscles and tissue. Discover additional information at top spine surgeon in Paramus, NJ.

When performing microscopic spine surgery, Dr. Scheid makes a very small incision often less than an inch and uses a surgical microscope that lights and greatly magnifies the surgical area. The microscope also displays a high-resolution image to a monitor in the operating room that provides a greater real-time visual field that allows for safer, more effective treatment of your spinal condition. Because microscopic spine surgery is such a minimally invasive technique, there is very little to no damage to surrounding tissue, muscle, ligaments, and bone, and minimal to no blood loss. This translates to less post-op pain, faster recovery, and maximum outcomes.

Foraminotomy. In this procedure, the surgeon enlarges the bony hole where a nerve root exits the spinal canal to prevent bulging disks or joints thickened with age from pressing on the nerve. Nucleoplasty, also called plasma disk decompression. This laser surgery uses radiofrequency energy to treat people with low back pain associated with a mildly herniated disk. The surgeon inserts a needle into the disk. A plasma laser device is then inserted into the needle and the tip is heated, creating a field that vaporizes the tissue in the disk, reducing its size and relieving pressure on the nerves.

Anesthesiologists who specialize in pain management can work with you before and after surgery to develop a plan tailored to your condition, personal history, and preferences. They will consult with you after surgery to determine what is working and what is not, and they will adjust your pain management treatment based on the level of pain you are experiencing. Anesthesiologists work with your surgical team to evaluate, monitor, and supervise your care before, during, and after surgery—delivering anesthesia, leading the Anesthesia Care Team, and ensuring your optimal safety.

A neurosurgeon is a specially trained medical doctor who diagnoses and treats conditions that affect your nervous system — your brain, spinal cord and nerves. Neurosurgeons perform surgery on your nervous system, but they can also provide nonsurgical treatments. They typically try all nonoperative treatment methods — like medications, steroid injections and physical therapies — before recommending surgery. Neurosurgeons can also diagnose and treat conditions that affect the structures that support your nervous system, including: Your skull. Spinal vertebrae. Spinal disks. Blood vessels. Protective membranes and soft tissues.

Many patients with spine problems can be treated non-surgically. Physical therapy, home exercises, medication and often times spinal injections are recommended prior to considering surgery. If the problem still isn’t resolved, then surgery becomes a good option. For instance, if a patient has significant neurogenic pain in the extremities and non-surgical management has not provided relief, surgical intervention is the best decision. For those with symptoms related to spinal cord or nerve root compression, such as significant weakness in an arm or leg or limb, we may recommend surgical intervention if non-surgical management was unsuccessful.

Minimally Invasive Surgery for Spine Treatment: Our professionals are equipped with extensive knowledge and ground-breaking technology to handle your spine treatment surgery in Paramus, New Jersey. However, our professionals aren’t going to recommend surgery right away. It is quite possible that you may avoid surgery if you come to Neurospine Plus on time. Your spine condition is thoroughly analysed, and you are presented with several treatment options. Your personal choice is given prime importance. If spine surgery is recommended, then you will be glad to know that we have a proven track record of successful surgeries. Read even more info at https://neurospineplus.com/.