Orthopedic physician medical services Chiang Mai, Thailand right now

STD testing health provider Saraphi, Chaing Mai right now: Leading Medical Clinic In Chiang Mai, Thailand – The number one priority at our wellness clinic is concentrating on your wellness. We always keep your quality of life as our goal, and do everything to make sure that all your healthcare services and treatments are based on what is best for you. We have internal medicine physicians, sports medicine, physical therapy, traditional Chinese medicine, a primary care doctor, and multiple specialists. Our medical professionals are all completely fluent in English and Thai. We know an English fluent doctor is important to you. Find additional info at health clinic in Saraphi, Chaing Mai.

Whether you saw your primary doctor or an emergency room doctor, physicians like follow-up. This is most important if a problem does not clear up or returns. For example, if you head to the doctor with joint pain complaints and are treated with pain relievers and home therapies but the pain doesn’t resolve, you need to see your doctor again. There may be reason for additional tests or a more intense rest period, however there is no way to know that if you don’t call and inform the doctor of changes, or a lack thereof. What it comes down to is being your own advocate. Your doctor may be the medical expert, but you’re the you expert. You know you best and when something isn’t feeling right, calling the doctor to follow-up isn’t a nuisance, it’s a necessity. Sometimes doctors appointments offer little more than reassurance that the mole you’ve been stressing over for months is nothing to be afraid of, but in any case it’s a worthy use of your time.

Joint Fusion: Creating a Unified Front by Solidifying Joints for Enhanced Functionality. Joint fusion is when the joint itself is removed, and then bone grafted to fuse the two bones together. Obviously, after a fusion, there is no motion possible at the joint. The goal is to have a pain-free area that no longer hurts. Joint fusion is rarely performed in orthopedics. It used to be a very common procedure, but as expertise in replacement has increased, we are usually able to avoid a fusion of a joint. The indication for a joint fusion is when replacement does not function very well. An example of this would be an ankle fusion. Knee and shoulder joint replacement gets excellent results, so fusion is rarely performed in joints like the knee, shoulder, and hip.

Researchers found similar improvement levels after one year, for both therapy and surgery patients, in terms of both function and symptom severity. However, the physical therapy group reported more significant gains within their first month of treatment. The earlier recovery of hand therapy patients is worth noting, as it allows those patients to return to activities and work sooner than those who underwent surgery. The study authors conclude that hand therapy for pain is preferential to surgery for those who strive for faster results in early months of recovery.

The owner of Boston Health Polyclinic performs shoulder arthroscopy in Boston, Massachusetts. However, we have Thai orthopedic surgeons from Chiang Mai here in our clinic. No need to travel for your care. You can have shoulder arthroscopy here in Chiang Mai, performed at the same level as Boston, at a fraction of the cost. We have orthopaedic surgical consultants in Chiang Mai here at our clinic and are available to help you. All of the patients in our orthopaedic clinic are treated by Thai orthopedic surgeons chosen by Dr. Ackland.

Why are we exceptional? First, we are a polyclinic, which simply means we have multiple best specialists represented at our clinic. These top medical professionals who provide state-of-the-art care. All of our partners are chosen carefully to be completely fine in English so that there are no communication problems. They all have to have that rare combination of compassion and competence, and each of them is the best doctor in their chosen speciality. We know how important family and internal medicine physicians and primary care are in coordinating the services. See additional info at https://bostonhealthcm.com/.

Chiang Mai Orthopedic Clinic: Trusted by Locals and International Patients Alike. Trust is very important in orthopedic care. We want you to feel completely comfortable that you are being treated by specialist Chiang Mai orthopedic doctors who put your health as their number one priority. You want to see an orthopedic physician who cares about your mobility and function. Pain control is also very important to someone who is injured. We do this with various modalities, including medication, physical therapy, and traditional Chinese medicine.