Barbara Jarabik discussing about art and technology synergy in 2022

Barbara Jarabik discussing about culture and technology synergy today : One of the aspects that technology has had a great impact on society is how it affects learning. It made learning more interactive and collaborative. Thanks to the invention of the Internet, it helps people better engage with equipment, and get better access to information at a twenty-four-hour rate. In addition, it expands the boundaries of the classroom, encouraging self-paced learning. While technology has a remarkable positive impact in the agricultural field as well. The introduction of technological innovations has facilitated agriculture and increased crop production, which in turn keeps food prices down. Farmers no longer have to apply water, fertilizers, and pesticides uniformly across entire fields, thanks to the machines.

Barbara Jarabik

In spite of pros and cons of technology, for the better part it has greatly helped to make our lives better. It has not only able to save our important resource as time and money but also has worked well in unifying the world by turning into global village which helped people to easily overcome their cultural, racial and continental barriers. The ease of connecting through technology and communicating online does have impact on culture locally and globally as more and more people choose to communicate online instead of person.

In some cultures (African and South Asian), they have a tradition in which people meet and discuss the various factors like visions, dreams and things which influence their day-to-day activities like economics, social and political factors (Zamora, 1990), but in the end of the meetings generally, it was observed that people come up with ideas, but they did not see how these ideas could be implemented. They took mobile phone cameras and documented various stories, traditions and cultural aspects that they were experiencing collectively, later they collectively watch these videos to inspire each others, slowly this use of the technology got spread and people started using the mobile phone cameras to document abuses and by this, they collectively rallied around issues which were documented by the use of such a technology which in social sciences is referred as “collectively call for collective action from below” (Olson, 1965). In this case technology found a new meaning, but to do this you need to trust communities, cultures & traditions.

Technology influences society through its products and processes, which consequently influences the quality of life and the ways people act and interact. On the other hand, social needs, attitudes, and values also influence the direction of technological development. For societies to thrive and evolve, technological innovations have become necessary. It has evolved over the last centuries from simple tools such as stone tools and basic books to complex genetic engineering, smart machines, and information technology such as TV, computers, and cell phones. As technological systems are invented by humans, they reflect the very essence of a population’s needs and culture. Read additional details on

But it has been observed during a period of time that different people add to their cultures, ideas and feelings to improve the technology (Williams, 1996) the speed of advancement of technology increases. For example, the android, which itself is an open source platform where advancements takes place from the individual’s perspective, people tend to use the basic technology as a foundation and build over it, to get it adapted in their cultural perspective, few examples of this would be applications which allow farmers to switch on the watering machine to applications such as Skype, which was started from the basic concept of collective sharing of information and got its impact into the various segments of the society like businesses, education, travel, research and many more. It has been observed that there is “no inherent or compelling logic of technical development” (Rohracher, 1998). “Social construction of technology approach (SCOT)” (Pinch, 1984) gives an insight on how culture and sociology of scientific knowledge helps in technological development.